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Kindergarten Graduation Speech For a Teacher

One of the special moments for parents is the preschool graduation ceremony of their children when they complete the very first step of the academic platform and move forward to knock on the door of the school. On this day parents and other family members are very excited and they try to make the preschool graduation ceremony special for their kids. To celebrate this day teachers also play their role and try to organize a memorable preschool graduation ceremony for kids. In this article, I have written a Kindergarten graduation speech for a teacher to deliver in the ceremony.

Also Read: Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony Script – Preschool Graduation

Kindergarten Graduation Speech For a Teacher

Good morning everyone to the parents, guardians, family, and friends of our moving-up students and to our students. You have made it. You have made it for another year and I would like to congratulate our students for sustaining one year in kindergarten. Can our parents give them a round of applause?

Congratulations! The performance has been well done and now what you have done for the year it’s being honored for today and what you have accomplished for the year the result is successful.

So with that, I would always believe that the children are our heritage and I like the program you have. God has a plan for each of our children and the excel begins here so with that I would like to thank you, parents, for giving us the opportunity here at Central to start what God would want your children to become.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help move your children to become who they are as God has planned. I would also like to thank you for all the hardships you have done and I know these children of ours would really do or would really achieve much more later on.

Moreover, I would like to congratulate the parents too! Children can we give our mama and papa a round of applause and say to them thank you. Children, can you say thank you to your mama and papa? Can I hear you say thank you?

I would like to also congratulate the kindergarten for all the teachers and staff. I know you have labored so much for all the hard work and now it pays. Indeed, we have plans to bring forth improvement to the kindergarten, and hopefully, we will be able to materialize it little by little as soon as possible.

We are simply waiting for the plans to be done and we are looking eagerly forward to that headway and improvements to the kindergarten. We also look forward that the next generation or your next children would also be enrolled at our kindergarten.

So with that, I would like to officially welcome you here in the moving up ceremony and I just would like to leave what proverbs have said: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” So, hopefully, what our children have learned here at the kindergarten, we hope they would be able to achieve and be found that more at the time they would be needing it then we know that they will not be departing from righteous ways that have been set for them.

Once again congratulations, good morning, and welcome to the moving-up ceremony. What do you want to read next? Please let us know the script and sample speech you need, by commenting in the comment section below.


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1 comment

Darien Williams May 30, 2021 at 2:39 pm

This is magnificent! Thank you and God bless you!


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