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How to Hire a Writer? 7 Easy Step to Hire the Best Writer

Whether you are a high school student, graduate, blogger, public speaker, content creator, or a website owner, sooner or later, you will realize knowing how to hire a writer can take you ahead of time. Because an excellent freelance writer can assist you to craft a content that saves you time and helps you win your objectives.

Discover How to Hire a Writer to Save Time and Win Your Objectives

Since an engaging piece of writing is crucial to get A*, increase traffic to your website, boost conversions, and/or connect with your customers, it is a must to know how to write a so-called masterpiece.

But in case you are a left-brain thinker, calculating the speed of light or probability of an event is 10 times easier than writing a paragraph.

At this point, if you know how to hire a writer, you still have a chance to connect with your audience and accomplish your motives. How does one hire a writer? It is simple.

Follow these tips, step by step, to learn how to hire a writer and accomplish your goals.

1. Determine if it is the “Right Time”

Yes, to determine if it is the right time to hire a writer is the most important tip that I can give you. First, understand if it is the “Right Time” to hire a writer. But how do you find if it’s the right time?

The best answer is once the stress of composing the content outstrips the flexibility of your role as a student, blogger, or anything else, it is the best to ask for help.

If you are not able to submit your essay on time, update your content often, participate in social events more, or get enough sleep, then having an extra pair of hands can save you a lot of time.

2. Avoid Low-cost Content Mills

Many students and businesses tend to hire cheap writers. You may suppose that by hiring low-cost writers you are saving cash. However, as the old saying goes “you get what you pay for”.

You may easily find low-cost writers. Nevertheless, it would be very hard to find the quality you are looking for. Thus, you would have to compromise with the quality of your content.

Instead, we recommend you to rummage around a little more to get good writers for quality content. Because this way you will spend a little more but you will be able to get the best quality.

3. Begin Hunting for Good Writers

If you have determined that it is the right time to hire a writer plus you are ready to spend a little more, let’s begin the hunt.

However, before you begin to look for a good writer, you should decide whether you want to hire someone digitally or not.

If you want to hire a writer online, you can look for them on websites like Freelance or UpWork. Besides, you can also check out these best essay writing service providers if you are a student. These best essay writing services, furthermore, not only offer academic services but also content writing for businesses and professional help.

Nonetheless, if you are looking for someone near you to hire, you can look at the local resources such as print publications, nearby colleges, and writing programs.

However, before you hire them, check if they fit in the criteria of a good writer.

Attributes of a Good Writer

To help you achieve maximum results, the writer you are going to hire should have the following attributes.

  1. The first attribute you should look for in your writer is curiosity. This may shock you. But an honest writer needs to possess the maximum amount of curiosity concerning you, your organization and your objectives. “A knows it all” or “self-centered” writer are the ones you should avoid.
  2. The second attribute is the capability to put in writing on time. Because you should remember the reason you are hiring a writer is not only to save time but also to get things done before the deadlines.
  3. Proficiency is another non-negotiable characteristic of a good writer. This suggests that the author is not only a good writer but also a creative writer.

Once you checkmark these characteristics, it is time to move onto the next tip.

4. Review Their Published Work

While looking for a good writer, you can not just pick any blindfolded. Before you say “Yes”, review his work. If he has an online presence, google his name and look for his published written content. If they do not have any online work, you can ask him to send a few of his published work for you to review.

Then, you can check his work to see if he is creative and if he has good writing skills. Besides, you can also use free tools like Grammarly to check for grammatical errors. In addition, the premium service of Grammarly offers plagiarism assistance.

All in all, reviewing their published work will help you to avoid weak and poor writers. After all, if you are going to pay them, you have to work a little harder to choose the best writer.

5. Ask the Proper Queries

Once you find an author who fits in all the requirements, it is time to confront them with some questions. This is to confirm that they will be suitable for your objectives. Some queries you must be asking about are:

  • The kind of content they prefer to write.
  • Their work schedule.
  • How many words are they able to write per day?
  • Do they have an idea for the improvement of your business and/or objectives?
  • What is their cost?

Thus, before you employ the writer, ask some reasonable questions or the above ones to help you seek for the best writer.

6. Determine Costs

Now that you have decided you need a writer to help you, then found one, determine the prices. Because, like any other professionals, writers expect to be paid. How do you do so? Here are some recommendations for you to get started.

To determine how much you are going to pay them, discuss your work, the level of urgency and the amount of work they would need to do.

For example, if you are a student in need of essays, you can describe your academic level, the amount of work and the deadline. Then, ask them how much do they want to be paid. If they offer a reasonable price, you can place your first order. If they were not able to offer a reasonable price, you should negotiate.

Alternatively, if you are a content creator or business owner, you can tell them about your business, work you do, and deadlines. Similarly, if they offer a reasonable price, you acquire them. If they do not, negotiate for the price.

7. Hire the writer

Now that you have checked all the above steps, what is next? It is time to hire the best writer. However, you can not hire the writer and just ask them to write for you. But instead, you need to build a good and reliable relationship with them.

As Henry Ford says:

Coming together is beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is “Success”.

Thus, talk to them, share your ideas and give feedback.

Wrapping Up How to Hire a Writer!

In conclusion, I hope the above guide has helped. If so, we would be glad if you gave your feedback. Or else if you have any other tips to hire a writer, you can share it in the comment section below to help others too.

Happy hunting!

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1 comment

Hire a Writer - Top 10 Websites to Hire the Best Writer in 2020 October 13, 2019 at 4:24 pm

[…] feel reluctant. Because employing someone is hard for a newbie. Don’t worry! Our guide on how to employ a freelance writer can help you hunt the best […]


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